And perhaps most importantly for a romantic comedy, I really like the leads together. (I can NOT wait for the show to head back to Korea.) There are hints at emotional depth and layered characters-well, some of them, but as the ones I refer to are mainly the principal cast I think we’re fine on that score. I see flashes of promise here and there, in between the parade of stars and starlets, poking its head out from behind the wall of embarrassing English. I know, I’m a little surprised that I did, but also relieved because I was pretty much going to watch this drama regardless. My reaction to the premiere: Measured optimism. With the massive promo machine accompanying this drama-which got going about seven months in advance of its premiere, which is approximately six months more than the average other drama-you had to wonder if they were building it up to a fever pitch that no reasonable drama would be able to match in execution.
My biggest concern about Heirs would that it would be all hype, no follow-through. 827 OctoJanuHeirs: Episode 1 by javabeansįinally-and I mean FINALLY-we see the premiere of the most-hyped drama of the year, Heirs: He Who Wears the Crown, Endure Its Weight, which for purposes of efficiency and just plain sense we will be calling, simply, Heirs.