Regarding the other one, I guess we will have to wait until there are clear guidelines (and scripts) for obsoleting parts. See FAQ:Where can I find “specific part” for information about looking for existing part files, and information needed to create new parts. Finally, I pushed the L298N module to the fritzing parts repository, pull request: added L298N module (motor driver) from the forum by failiz Either as is, or as a base for something else. I would not try to use that downloaded part with out some serious cleanup first. To figure out where things are supposed to be, and what should be connected together. To do this properly, a datasheet for the part is really needed.
What I see does not have labels except on breadboard, and the part validation tool I use has many complaints. Jumper wires (or cable) would run from the board to a header on the pcb instead. Really, this board does not normally need a pcb view. with L298N motor driver - parts submit - fritzing Fritzing-Library/Adafruit Motor, Stepper & Servo Shield.fzpz fritzing-0.9. Spacing and position of the pins on the pcb view also look off. I do not see any of that in the part definition though. Like multiple gnd, or +5V connecting to other +5. Wires are not connecting where they are dragged to except in breadboard view.įewer pins in schematic “CAN” be normal, in cases where multiple physical pins are connected together inside the part. My initial testing of a fresh download of that part says it is broken.